B2J Image Slider is a fully configurable, flexible Joomla! module for better performance of image display.Image Slider offers a wide range of custom parameters to choose from and gives you full control over image slides. It has Slider settings, Thumbnails setting, Item Parts Ordering and 2 sliding modes: horizontal, vertical, and more. Slider retrieves K2 items from particular categories and displays them in a customized way.B2J Image Slider easily adapts to any website. If you have encountered any problems with the module, feel free to ask your questions on B2J Forum.Did you like B2J Image Slider? Then, please vote for this module on Joomla! Extensions…
AutoTweet posts from Joomla to social channels like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and more. It publishes automagically "Posts" to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and more. It posts Title, Text, Full-Text, Image, Web Address (Url), Hashtags, etc. Powerful Rule Engine, to post fully customized messages by category, author, language, access levels, text terms, etc. Schedule your posts. Plug-ins: JomSocial, SobiPro, K2, Community Builder, EasyBlog, JComments, Kunena, Phoca, VirtueMart, Zoo, and more!! Features All plug-ins are customizable: account, category/section to post for, link position, show section/category, post for modified articles, exclude sections/categories, use title or text for message, additional static text, hash tags, usage…
Content Ads for K2 for displaying (adsense, etarget etc.) ad code. You can select two separate modes: Category mode: Select Categories to display the ad code Item: Select K2 Article ids to display the ad code Views selection (Item, Category) There are two fields where you can insert your ad code and you can randomize the display order.You can select 5 different positions for the ads to display.(It only works with Joomla 3.x)
K2Compare is package for Joomla! 2.5 that fine tunes K2 extension in a magnificent way, if you are building a catalog, web shop etc. K2Compare allows the users of your web site to compare K2 items, based on their extra fields. You can add weight to each in order to give them score.Yes, the extension not only allows the users to compare, but also has the option to score for each option that is available in the extra fields.For example, you can make a comparison of cars, by comparing two cars, there will be a list of all extras…
K2 itself offers nice built-in RSS Feed feature. It is not enough for webmasters who need advanced configuration RSS Feed. obRSS offers very flexible configuration for K2, especially when you are making a news/magazine K2 based site. This K2 add-on requires obRSS to work.
Module Category List support you show categories's items. You can use it for your home page or another page to display items. Each category was displayed like a box that you can control first item how display. The module allow you turn on or off the parts of first item (Created date, Author, Read more, image..). You can controlnumber of items were showed in categories. This module will give you the experience to control how categories were sorted and display, You can config number of categories display on one row by the way config each category's width (Box width) and module's width.
AJAX Search for K2 allows you to search contents of the K2 component and makes it possible to filter by multiple categories, by multi-select list extra fields and by creation date. The extension has a beautiful appearance, shows a list of previous results by using AJAX and is highly customizable.Compatible with Joomla 3.x and 2.5.