Extension plugin for K2 Filter and Search module. With this extension your users will be able to save their search parameters and be informed via email, when new K2 items will be appeared.
Save search parameters
Manage saved searches
Get emails with new K2 items appered after search was saved
A great replacement for standard K2 Search plugin. Allows you to fully customize searching process: exclude or include categories and items, limit search results by archived or featured items, search in titles, author names, aliases and much more.
Exclude from search or include only selected categories and articles.
Select desired areas and content fields to search in.
Hide or display Featured and Tags areas.
Make search case sensitive.
Create and display article thumb from assigned image (requires template editing).
Hide or display parent and article category as text or link (requires template editing).
This module uses ajax method to execute your query for a specific content. It will find content in Joomla! article or k2 item that depends on your choice from optional of module. The result thumbnail will been auto detect follow content source, if the content source is Joomla! content then it will be intro image or full image or the first content image, work the same for K2 item.
Advanced Search for K2 items is a Joomla! plugin which allows you to search for text, tags or attachments in K2 items. This plugin takes your choice into the search component, i.e. it respects if you are looking for "any word", "all words" or "exact phrase", something that does not occur in the standard plugin.
The plugin also comes with words and without accents. Allows configuration of whether or not search for "tag" and "attachments".
I did this based on the original K2 plugin, due to a need in my work, to improve the user experience and it's available to everyone for free.
JA Filter & Search Module for K2 provides search and filter feature for K2 Component based on extra fields parameters. Such specific search or filter capability has been missing for long in K2.
The best part is, it now supports horizontal layout too with option to choose number of columns display, as was requested by many users. A new demo site is also up highlighting both the layouts and search options.
Features: * First and the only module to provide such advanced search feature. * Horizontal or vertical layout, with option to choose number of columns in horizontal layout. * Multi (combo) parameters filtering. * Configurable filter parameters (option to select specific parameter to display in the search). * Multi display options for each filter parameter. Eg: you can choose to display a pricing range as min-max value or as a preset dropdown or even multiselct or radio select. * Easy backend for configuration * More exciting features are coming in the next release.
AJAX Search for K2 allows you to search contents of the K2 component and makes it possible to filter by multiple categories, by multi-select list extra fields and by creation date. The extension has a beautiful appearance, shows a list of previous results by using AJAX and is highly customizable.
Compatible with Joomla 3.x and the latest K2 version.
This module can filter your K2 content by several extra fields, tags, category, item text and a lot of other fields in the same time. It is very flexible to use.
With the module purchase, you will get one year free support and updates.
Display search fields as text field, drop-down select, multi-select, slider, slider with range value select, radio, tag (ability for multiple tags select), category, item title (text and A-Z), item text, item rating, item creation/publish dates;
Restrict search to specific category (static by category ID(s) and auto by the category you are viewing);
Order search fields; Display search fields in several columns;
Order search results by some extrafield value;
Display search results in category view (category template);
Auto-submit function;
Function to allow search only if all the fields are selected;
This extension for MijoSearch component provides advanced searching with custom fields for K2 component. You can show/hide each Extra Field of K2.