This is for site owners who want visitors to be able to post comments, but not have to register with the site to do so.When a comment is posted, later visitors can vote "yes" or "no" on the comment (as in, or click "report" for inappropriate comments. The administrative area for this component lists reported comments and comments with more than three "no" votes. The administrator can delete reported comments, and also blacklist the IP address of the commenter.This component uses Ajax, and the vote count is updated immediately.This component, unfortunately, requires a patch to the K2 core. A…
This module can filter your K2 content by keyword, tag, category, author and date at the same time. Features Keyword input; Tags drop-down select filter; Category drop-down select filter; Author drop-down select filter; Creation date filter (from-to).
With this plugin you will be able to add multiple ratings with different titles for your K2 articles. Features Multiple ratings input Restric specific rating to specific K2 category Change rating to 10 stars Change rating to like/unlike Rating with review mode Compatible with Joomla 2.5 / 3.x and the latest K2 version.
Joomla K2 TrackBack Plugin makes it easy to send track backs directly from your K2 items.Trackback is a way to let blog systems and websites know that you have linked to them. Trackbacks is an excellent way to build links to your own site, since many websites will show an excerpt and a link back to your website.This plugin will add the trackback function directly beneath the content editor, where you create your content.The plugin is extremely easy to use. Just enter the trackback adress you want to send trackback to. You can also enter multiple adresses by separating them with…
It's so easy to create professional Image Show presentations. Image Show GK4 module is the next step of development of our tools which are used for presenting content on a page in an attractive way. With Image Show GK4 module,
We decided to create a unique plugin to allow using Google Maps in K2 items and categories. With our demos, you will find how cool it is. With this plugin you can: Add map with pin to each K2 entry. Choose the map type like roadmap, satellite etc (globally and per item). Choose from 4 color sets of icons (globally). Set locale like English, Russian etc. (globally). Choose the zoom (globally and per item). No need for API key. It runs out of the box. You can now choose the type of pin type (i.e. hotel, bar, restaurant etc.) to…
Lof ContentMart Plugin is the solution for the integration of k2 plugin, content plugin and system plugins. These plugins integrates JoomShopping with K2 component or Content Component to allows displaying Price,Add to cart button, manufacturer...etc in items in item list mode and detail page of k2 and article.
Whizzy Tags for K2 articles is based on the popular Joomulus for K2 module by JoomlaBear. It creates a jquery-driven tag cloud based on tags from a selected K2 category, which also allows you to specify the link, weight and colour of the tags.Note this extension does not use flash, and it currently only allows the selection of ONE CATEGORY.It also creates a search engine friendly list of tags, which is displayed in the event that jquery is not available in the browser.If you're using Joomla! articles, please check out our Joomla! articles version which you'll find under the category…