AutoTweet posts from Joomla to social channels like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and more.
- It publishes automagically "Posts" to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and more.
- It posts Title, Text, Full-Text, Image, Web Address (Url), Hashtags, etc.
- Powerful Rule Engine, to post fully customized messages by category, author, language, access levels, text terms, etc.
- Schedule your posts.
- Plug-ins: JomSocial, SobiPro, K2, Community Builder, EasyBlog, JComments, Kunena, Phoca, VirtueMart, Zoo, and more!!
- All plug-ins are customizable: account, category/section to post for, link position, show section/category, post for modified articles, exclude sections/categories, use title or text for message, additional static text, hash tags, usage of meta key information and much more.
- Supported short url providers (shorteners):,, (also with Bitly Enterprise and custom short domain), and YOURLS (use your own url shortener).
- Works with most SEF extensions. Tested with: sh404sef, JoomSEF, AceSEF and - of course - Joomla! embedded SEF support.
- Automatic message resending: AutoTweet NG resends the status message automatically if there is an error on api/server side.
- AutoTweet NG posts also later published or republished articles.
- AutoTweet NG comes with a backend component. The component logs all posted messages and you can manage and resend the messages in the components backend.
- AutoTweet NG supports articles with present and past (old) publish date.
- Auto publish feature: AutoTweet has an auto publish feature (instead of manual approval). For each channel and plug-in you can select if the messages should be autop ublished or approved before sending.
- Multichannel architecture: You can add new channels and so you can post to multiple Twitter, Facebook, Mail accounts etc. Also you can post to a Facebook profile, page, group or event for the same account.
- Use your own app/api key to show your own branding instead the AutoTweet logo/text: You can use your own app/api key instead the AutoTweet standard app (works for Twitter and Facebook).
- Support for cron jobs: Post your messages by a cronjob and avoid performance issues on your site (especially when you post to many channels or/and there is a high volume of posts).
- Support for multi language sites (AutoTweet can handle most situations with multi language sites).
- Support for direct messages: Enter a message manually in AutoTweet backend and post it directly to the selected channels.
- TW Follow module: module to show the latest tweets.
K2 Features:
- Compatibility review for K2 v2.5 and v2.6
- Content polling
- Old articles publication
We've already updated our product to support content polling. With our Content Polling implementation, you can check if there's a new article inserted or you can re-post old articles.