With this plugin you will be able to add multiple ratings with different titles for your K2 articles. Features Multiple ratings input Restric specific rating to specific K2 category Change rating to 10 stars Change rating to like/unlike Rating with review mode Compatible with Joomla 2.5 / 3.x and the latest K2 version.
DM Maps for K2 lets you to display a Google Map in K2 articles. It includes 3 extensions: the original K2 plugin, a global map component and a module. It can use K2 extra fields to load the address displayed in the map. Features: Multi marker view: display all your items' locations in one view; Route directions support: the user can input his starting location and read the route inside the map; Route directions popup: directions can be displayed in a jQuery popup; Street View support: the user can activate Street View for the location shown in the map; Street…
Responsive Scroller for K2 is a responsive scroller module that allows you to show K2 articles with a set amount of scrolling items. The size and amount of scrolling items will automatically adjust depending on the browser size! Checkout the Demo below to grasp the full potential of Responsive Scroller for K2.
Whizzy Tags for K2 articles is based on the popular Joomulus for K2 module by JoomlaBear. It creates a jquery-driven tag cloud based on tags from a selected K2 category, which also allows you to specify the link, weight and colour of the tags.Note this extension does not use flash, and it currently only allows the selection of ONE CATEGORY.It also creates a search engine friendly list of tags, which is displayed in the event that jquery is not available in the browser.If you're using Joomla! articles, please check out our Joomla! articles version which you'll find under the category…
DM Articles Dropdown allows you to list K2 article titles inside a dropdown within a Joomla module. You can choose to list titles belonging to a K2 category or having a particular keyword. With DM Articles Dropdown you can decide to show the articles' date and format it exactly as you need, setting its font style, its position, its format and so on. In addition, you can choose to display a bottom link, allowing you to provide a customized "read more link" to your module.
Very flexible and powerful module. It displays, scrolls, or slides items form different data sources, using different animation effects with AJAX. You can choose the data source from several components : Joomla Content articles [category choice], K2 articles [category choice and with/without 'featured' flag], banners, remote RSS feeds, Twitter updates loaded dynamically [timeline or keywords]. This is a very powerful slider module for the following reasons: with only one module you can manage the data of different components in different ways: choice of data source (Joomla articles, K2 articles, banners, rss feed, twitter (per timeline or per keywords). choice of display elements:…
B2J Alfheim Image Gallery PRO is a fully responsive module, which takes the power of the LITE version, with some attractive additions. With this module you not only have a tight control over the flow of images filtered by K2 tags, K2 Categories, Joomla Folder, but also can choose additional options controlling how images appear to the viewer. This module is fully functional with Joomla versions 2.5/3.0. Note, that images displaying with module can be cropped and resized, with or without aspect ratio. The module comes default with jquery-plugin enabled, but this feature can be disabled in the back-end.B2J Alfheim Image…
DM Article List Pro fro K2 allows you to list K2 article titles in a Joomla module; you can choose to list titles belonging to a category or containing a particular keyword; in addition, the module can show a link in the bottom part, the articles' creation date, and it can use different layouts according to your needs. With DM Article List Pro for K2 you can choose between different layouts, getting the possibility to use the one that lets you get the most from your template's design. You can show articles' titles in a list, have them displayed as paragraphs…