SJ K2 Extra Slider is the idea from some customers, who are using So K2Slider module. With this module, you can show more items than So K2Slider Module # Main Features 1. Support for Joomla 1.5, Joomla 1.7, Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x 2. Support Responsive webdesign for 2.5 and 3.x Packages 3. 4 Themes : basic1, basic2, spotlight1, spotlight2 4. 2 Effects: Horizontal & Vertical 5. Botton page: Top or Under 6. Support Multi-Language; Support Multi-Module in the same page 7. Show Items in Categories or specific items 8. Support to show the featured items 9. Sort items by one…
SJ K2 SlideShow is a professional module for the K2 component in Joomla. With 4 themes and 25 effects, you will have a nice website when use our module. The module supports to choose some categories or specify Ids which you want to highlight to customers. Buy and install immediately to feel the difference. # Main Features 1. Support all browsers (IE7+, FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, ...) 2. Support Joomla 1.5, Joomla 1.7, Joomla 2.5, Joomla 3.x 3. Support responsive web design for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x 4. 25 Effects: Fade, Fade Zoom, Zoom, Shuffle, Toss, Wipe, Cover, Uncover,…
SJ K2 Scroller is a module for K2 component in Joomla. It filters the image in article and show them as slides. You can use this module to show your specify articles which you want to highlight to your customers. # Main Features 1. Support for Joomla 1.5, Joomla 1.7, Joomla 2.5.x and Joomla 3.x, for K2 component 2. Support all browsers (IE8+, FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, ...) 3. Support Responsive Layout 4. Support Multi-Language; Support Multi-Module in the same page 5. Show Items in Categories or item Ids 6. Support to show the featured items 7. Show images with…
Sj K2 Slider is a great module for the K2 Component ( This module supports you to highlight some specify items which are important for your service. Using effects of JQuery will help your website looks very nice. # Main Features 1. Support for Joomla 1.5, Joomla 1.7, Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x 2. Support Responsive webdesign 3. Support 2 main themes 4. Allow to choose which categories to be shown 5. Sort items by one of these: Recently Added, Most view, Recently Modified, Title, Random and Ordering 6. Support Multi-Language; Support Multi-Module in the same page 7. Support to…
K2 has its own default css file loaded for categories and items.In K2, it's possible to define new templates and affect them to a category but the css style file is still the same.With this plugin, you can add a specific css file to a category having a specific template.
SJ Mega K2 News is a module for K2 Component. The most of sites need this module on the frontpage. Please see the demo site to have a closer look. With 3 themes and a lot of options, i am sure that you will enjoy it. # Main Features 1. Support for Joomla 1.5, Joomla 1.7, Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.X 2. Support Responsive webdesign for Joomla 2.5 and 3.X packages. Support K2Mart for Joomla 1.5 package 3. Support 3 themes. Please see the screenshots 4. Support Multi-Language; Support all browers 5. Show Items in Categories 6. Support to show…
JFBConnect is a total Facebook Integration Suite for Single-sign on; Open Graph; Facebook, Google, Twitter and LinkedIn social widgets; Facebook Page Tab & Canvas support. Extensive K2 integration is included with support for v2.4 and v2.5 to add social buttons to all K2 items as well as importing Facebook profile information into K2.
K2 Statistics with any TIMEFRAME. Go beyond the simple "number of hits" feature and add a time variable to your reports and lists. You can make statistics on anything on your K2 site. Top viewed/commented articles, top blog posters, articles rankings, categories, tags...Complete user activity log streams for admins to know everything: WHO did WHAT, WHEN and from WHERE on K2Make rankings of:-Top viewed articles-Top viewed categories-Top viewed tags-Top viewed autor pages (blogs)-Top commented articles-Most voted articles (optional: define a rating)-Most downloaded attachmentsCombine the list above with any of the possible filters:-Current category articles-Current category (and its children categories) articles-Current…