It is very simple plugin. Comments and comment form is triggered in K2 comments place. There is also comments counter on category page under each item and counter with link to comments in item's toolbar.
It's so easy to create professional Image Show presentations. Image Show GK4 module is the next step of development of our tools which are used for presenting content on a page in an attractive way. With Image Show GK4 module,
B2J News Slider is a fully responsive K2 module for Joomla 2.5/3. which displays news on your website with wide range of effects.Supporting K2 component, it can be used as a simple news slider or a news ticker with autoplay. Using AJAX Publishing, B2J News Slider is able to automatically retrieve newly added K2 item titles without refreshing the page: an attractive effect which is very convenient for live newspaper websites.News Slider also contains iPhone/ iPad swipe and comes with many other features and several presets you'll enjoy exploring. Module also allows you to cut the displaying titles, change their font…
SJ K2 Categories II - a new module for K2 component has been released. You can use this module for showing categories including their sub-categories. With clickable links, beautiful images and 4 eye-catching themes, SJ K2 Categories II will bring satisfaction to you. The module allows to display automatically list of categories and sub-categories of them. By supporting 4 themes with arrangements following horizontal or vertical direction, SJ K2 Categories II will make your site more portable. # Main Features 1. Support for Joomla 1.7 and Joomla 2.5, for K2 component 2. Fully compatible IE7+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape,…
AutoTweet posts from Joomla to social channels like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and more. It publishes automagically "Posts" to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and more. It posts Title, Text, Full-Text, Image, Web Address (Url), Hashtags, etc. Powerful Rule Engine, to post fully customized messages by category, author, language, access levels, text terms, etc. Schedule your posts. Plug-ins: JomSocial, SobiPro, K2, Community Builder, EasyBlog, JComments, Kunena, Phoca, VirtueMart, Zoo, and more!! Features All plug-ins are customizable: account, category/section to post for, link position, show section/category, post for modified articles, exclude sections/categories, use title or text for message, additional static text, hash tags, usage…
This extension for MijoACL component provides the ability to set permisions and control access for K2 component.MijoACL is a flexible and powerful Joomla Access Control component with an easy-to-use user interface that provides the ability to set all front-end and back-end permisions from one page and to assign any user to multiple groups. MijoACL is an advanced Joomla ACL manager that offers you to set User Based Permissions, create unlimited groups and manage all rules for your Joomla site so it makes it easier to work with the Joomla ACL system.
We would like to offer you the perfect tool to create advanced custom content with minimal effort or even without any knowledge how to code HTML - YT Shortcode. The shortcode is small bits of code that supports users to create special formatted-style content easily than ever. All you need to do is install, the YT Shortcode button will be appeared in Editor bar of Joomla K2, Joomla Content as well as in Custom HTML module, and this allows you to choose shortcode for your content quickly. That is truly easy, right?YT Shortcode was considered the highly feature that included…
This plugin pulls together K2 and Widgetkit displaying K2 content with Widgetkit.1. install and activate the plugin located in the system folder2. go to the Widgetkit component and click on "Use K2"3. you will be presented with the already familiar options of:3.1. which contents to select from K2 and what part of those contents3.2. how to display the selected contents in WidgetkitThis is the first release and various additional integrations are on there way soon.This is part of the k2fields effort to be released soon, where we are trying to pull together the best of available extensions to a whole.