Support Responsive Feature, The slider (slideshow) can auto resize when display on other devices (Display nice on desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile).
This Module has 2 themes (Default and Theme1).
If you want a slideshow or a slider for your website, you are seeing it.
What are you waiting for, get it and love it.
The Module support:
* This is a Module for joomla 2.5 and 3.x
* Retrieve items from categories or Select specific items
* Image size : XSmall, Small, Medium, Large, XLarge
* Image's link: Link for image or not
* Select Themes: 2 themes, default and theme1
* Image's width & Image's width config
* Select Resize Type: Scale fill, Scale Inside, Scale Outside, Crop, Crop Resize
* Title limit: Limit text for title
* Readmore Limit: Limit text for description
* Show description or not
* Show readmore or not
* Readmore label: Label for readmore link
* Timeout: Time between each slide
* Visible items: number items, images show on first page - use for theme1
* Item start: Start item for slider
* Select effect: scrollHorz, fade, fadeout, carousel(use for theme1), none
* Hover: Stop when hover or not
* Responsive: you want slider auto resize please select 'Yes'
* Swipe: Yes or No
* Show paging: Yes or No.
* Load Jquery: Yes or No.