The module has 5 effects and displays K2 items, articles and custom items.
K2 Items
- Source - K2 categories / Custom K2 Items
- Category filter - All / Select
- K2 Categories - Select
- Fetch items from children categories
- Count Items
- Featured Items - Show / Hide / Show only Featured Items
- Time range (if ordering is set to 'most popular' or 'most commented')
- Items ordering
- Category filter - Yes/No
- Custom k2 Items
- Add Items
- Items settings
- Image Size - XSmall, Small, Medium, Large, XLarge
- Show title - Yes/No
- Show date - Yes/No
- Show category - Yes/No
- Show author - Yes/No
Style settings
- Height at your choice
- Fade on scroll down
- Slider effect - Fade, slide, cube, coverflow and flip
- Dark layer - Yes/No
- Keyboard control - Yes/No