We have just released v2.5.3 of K2, fixing primarily minor glitches in 2.5.1 and a small (but significant) JS error that appeared in the short-lived 2.5.2 release (which we issued past Friday). If you are using K2 v2.5.1 you can safely upgrade to v2.5.3 by installing the 2.5.3 zip file on top of 2.5.1. As always, it's good to grab a backup just in case (you can use the free Akeeba Backup for that).
We have just released v2.5.1 of K2, a maintenance release, fixing some minor issues as reported by the K2 Community.
This release maybe "maintenance", but we have gone through some "bigger" changes regarding content setup workflow and frontend editing.
In v2.5.1 we have improved the "friendliness" of frontend editing. E.g. when you edit an item via the frontend and close the editing window, the page will refresh, revealing the applied (or not) changes. Frontend users who don't have "publishing" rights will see a notice displaying at the top of the editing window and they will not see the published/featured controls. Additionally, only users with "editorial" rights (but not necessarily publishing rights), aka users with the permission "can edit any item" in their K2 group, are the ones who can now see and change an item's author. Previously anyone with some editing rights could do that. So all in all, frontend editing is a bit more tied up and informative to your frontend users.
I'm glad that after more than a year of constant development and improvements (and a rock solid v2.4.1), K2 version 2.5.0 is now available to download.
The major upgrade to 2.5.0 is that K2 is now a native Joomla! 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 extension. But upgrades don't stop there. We have significantly improved performance, measuring up to 500% in complex sites with complex structures and pages with lots of items on them (portals, magazines etc.).
Version 2.5.0 also marks the switch to the jQuery library, as it's one (better) JavaScript library to maintain the code for, without needing to resort to hacks in Mootools in order to support all Joomla! versions.
Let's take a closer look at all the changes that version 2.5.0 brings. Sit back, relax and start reading (will take time). :)
What an exciting week for K2! We're rolling out the much anticipated, much improved K2 v2.5 with full Joomla! 1.5 up to 1.7 compatibility, as well as the new home for K2 that you currently see, the new getk2.org!
Although detailed info on the new K2 version will be published soon, with the official release of K2 v2.5 (stable), I'm happy to share with everyone that the new release will continue the legacy of v2.4 as a rock solid content management extension for Joomla!. It took a little over a year of development to get to 2.5 but it was worth it. Improved performance, enhanced features, enhanced workflow, an all-in-all better way to manage your content in Joomla!. Of course, in-between the ever evolving Joomla! v1.6 (and up to today's 1.7) we had to change things and adapt, but now that 1.7 seems to be on track for a successful and stable release for Joomla!, it was time we got the new K2 out as well. Software is an ever evolving process and releases are essentially snapshots of this process. And now is the right time for v2.5 of K2, now that the current release of Joomla! has reached a stable and mature cycle.
One of the presentations that took place in JoomlaDay Greece was the case study of a very demanding K2 website, FIGHTSAGA.COM. The concept was to study this site from the design process, all the way through the development process. Our main target was to make people understand the significance of K2 as a tool to achieve such demanding websites as this one. Let's start from the beginning.