We stopped accepting new entries for templates in the KED about 2 weeks ago and this week we unpublished all template entries. So the KED now consists only of extensions that support or interface with K2, plus the translations which are automatically created from K2's project on Transifex.
The new getk2.org will have a special section to list all Joomla template providers that support K2. So if you wish to get listed there, just send us a message through this site's contact form. To the template providers who decide not to get listed in this new section of our site, we thank you for having supported K2 so far.
Beyond these changes, we've started a new curated showcase section which replaces any old (and some outdated) listings. The plan is to list websites that really make a great case for the K2 showcase, not just any Joomla site built with K2 (there are hundreds of thousands either way). Priority will be given to sites from well-known brands (local or international) and sites that are exceptionally designed & developed (even if they are just small corporate site presentations).
If you've built (or know) a K2 site that matches these simple requirements, let us know - either on social media or using this site's contact form.