- We are introducing JSON & JSONP content output. This is phase 1 towards a true REST capable K2 release coming in version 3. We want you to be able to turn your Joomla! & K2 website into a source of content ready to be consumed or updated by third-party applications, e.g. a mobile application that reads and posts content to your K2 powered Joomla! website. Or simple stuff like AJAX calls are now a piece of cake for developers. To quickly set you up, just append 'format=json&limit=X&page=Y' to any K2 generated URL, replacing X with the number of items you want to fetch (with a forced limit of 100) and Y as the page number (if you wish to break your results in pages). At its simplest form, just append 'format=json' to get the default K2 output in JSON. The additional GET parameters mentioned above only work in categories, user pages, tags etc. If you append 'format=json' to an item URL you will get all the item's contents in JSON format. Additionally, you can pass a callback function to the above URLs in case you want to wrap the output in a function. The format is 'format=json&callback=Z', replacing Z with your callback function name.
- We have fixed a nasty bug where Flickr galleries set via Simple Image Gallery Pro where not displaying the frontend of your site, but had no problem rendering in the backend! I know, some of you almost got insane with this stupid bug. All sorted now of course.
- We now allow 'content' plugins in Joomla! 2.5 to be properly rendered in the category description. Previously this was only possible in Joomla! 1.5. So now you can -for example- execute the 'loadposition' plugin in your category descriptions.
- When deleting an item that contains audio files, these audio files are now properly deleted.
- Fixed a bug in category inheritance. Now when a category is set to inherit the parameters from another category, it will NOT also inherit the metadata from this other gallery but maintain its own unique metadata.
- Fixed issue regarding the email button on item view (only affecting Joomla! 1.5 websites).